Software Tools
Software Install: NetLogo
Step 1: Download from here
Step 2: Go to this page and click on "Download it from here" link
Step 3: This will create a, that when unzipped, will create a "Networks" folder that you will place in the Models > Sample Models
Software Install: Network Interactives
Download Network Attack & Network Optimizer here
Step 1: Access the google drive here
Step 2: Click on "NetSci High summer camp 2013"
Step 3: Click on Gephi
Step 4: Go to installers
Step 4: Click either mac or win, depending on what system you use, and download the file in the folder.
** For tutorials, after clicking on Gephi, click on documentations to access PDF tutorials
Python - NetworkX
Step 1: Access the google drive here
Step 2: Click on "NetSci High summer camp 2013"
Step 3: Click on Python-NetworkX
Step 4: Go to installers
Step 5: Click either mac or win, depending on what system you use, and download the files in the folder
** For codes, documentations, etc. after going to Python-NetworkX, go to any of the other folders or documents