18 June 2012
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
1:00-1:10 Opening Remarks -- Stephen Uzzo (New York Hall of Science)
1:10-1:40 Keynote Talk -- Gene Stanley (Boston University)
1:40-2:05 Chris Arney (U.S. Military Academy at West Point) Teaching Network Science for Public Policy to Undergraduates and High School Students
2:05-2:30 Alan Daly (University of California, San Diego), Nienke Moolenaar (University of California, San Diego / University of Twente) Networks Across Systems and Settings: Lessons from an International Set Social Network Studies
2:30-2:55 Catherine Cramer, Stephen Uzzo (New York Hall of Science / COSEE OCEAN) Measuring Success of Federally-Funded STEM Education Networks
(coffee break)
3:15-3:40 Aditi Wagh, Arthur Hjorth, Uri Wilensky (Northwestern University) Using NetLogo for STEM Learning through a Complex Systems Perspective
3:40-4:05 Adam Maltese (Indiana University) Assessing Data Interpretation Skills Using Multiple Methods
4:05-4:30 Erzsébet Ravasz Regan (Harvard Medical School) Building a Boolean Network Model of Angiogenic Tip and Stalk Cell Formation
4:30-4:55 Lazaros Gallos (City College of New York) A Venture of High-School Students in Networks Research
4:55-5:15 Hiroki Sayama (Binghamton University) Introducing Network Science to High Schools: Merits, Issues, and Tips, from a Professor's Perspective
5:15-5:55 Panel Discussion
5:55-6:00 Closing Remarks by Stephen Uzzo