
NEW!! Net.Create is a tool for collaborative data entry and interactive visualization of networks - perfect for qualitative researchers or literature or history classrooms in which students can work together to enter and visualize networks from text directly from a laptop or tablet browser.

NEW!! Educational videos on Ecological Networks: English and French versions NEW!!

NEW!! A First Course in Network Science  (Filippo Menczer, Santo Fortunato and Clayton Davis) NEW!!

NEW!! Awesome List of Network Science Resources on GitHub NEW!!

NEW!! Network Games Played at CRI NEW!!

NEW!! Data Literacy Discussion from 2018 NetSciEd Symposium here NEW!!

NEW!! NetSciDraw NEW!!

NEW!! Teaching Materials for Summer School on Network Science for High School Students (Florian Klimm and Benjamin F. Maier) NEW!!

For a comprehensive list of resources: "Awesome Network Analysis"


Rookie's Guide to Network Science: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Manuel Lima's "The Power of Networks"

Sharing the Beauty of Networks by Mason Porter

Google Ideas Networks Discussions

Privacy and Social Networks

Luis Amaral Interview

Alex Vespignani Interview on Spreading Diseases

History of Music

Richard Feynman "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out"

Six Degrees of Separation

Slime Mold Video 1

Interactive Online Visualizations

Google Scholar

GraphR - Visualization Network of Congressional Interactions (worksheet available here)

Movie Galaxies

Arms Trade Visualization (and related article)

Visualization of Migration Flows

Large Networks Visualization Tool

Wiki Web App


Wolfram Alpha personal analytics for Facebook


Other Visualizations

Flowing Data Visualizations   

50 Great Examples of Data Visualization

MOBS Lab (under "Visualization")


Twitter Mood 

HuDiNe: Disease Correlations

Carlo Zapponi's MakingUse

Sune Lehmann (See "In the Press")



Using Metadata to find Paul Revere

Network Science Online Book (Barabasi)

Teach Network Science to Teenagers (Also curriculum materials available here)

Introduction to the Mathematics of Networks

Friends You Can Count On (New York Times)

NetSci 2013 School


Relationship Science Plans Database of Names and Connections

Tricia Brown Dance Company (network communicating movement)

Video of Orpheus Orchestra

CODE: Teaching Programming in Schools (Video)

Code Academy