Network Science and Education Symposium

NetSciEd 2019 was a great success! Check out #NetSciEd2019 Twitter timeline:

NetSciEd 2019: The NetSci Satellite Symposium on Network Science and Education will be held as a half-day satellite symposium at NetSci 2019 in Burlington, Vermont, USA, on May 27th, 2019. This will follow the success of the previous NetSciEd satellites held in 2012--2018. NetSciEd 2019 is a perfect venue to discuss anything related to network science and education, including educational activities to teach/learn network science as well as applications of network science to understand, model and improve educational systems and practices.

We invite speakers and participants to this exciting, rapidly expanding front of network science. Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:

We will look forward to having active, productive discussions on this important area of network science!