Network Science and Education Symposium

NetSciEd 2021: The Symposium on Network Science and Education will be held on June 28-29 at Networks 2021, a Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference, following the previous editions held in 2012–2020

NetSciEd 2021 is going to be an online venue to discuss anything related to network science and education, including educational activities to teach/learn network science and applications of network science to understand, model, and improve educational systems and practices. We will also open participation to teachers and education researchers, hoping that we can start a discussion with them about our work in developing a Network Science Curriculum for school students.

Agenda NetSciEd 2021


NetSciEd 2021 will take place on Monday 28 June and Tuesday 29 June . We understand that some of the time slots may not be convenient for audiences in certain timezones. To increase chances of participation from across the globe, we have picked different time slots each day:


Attendees should formally register through the Conference's website: If you wish, once you have formally registered, you can also let us know you will be attending, by filling out this form:


Contributions can be in either an oral or poster format. Contributed oral presentations will be 15 minutes long in total (talk and Q&A). Posters will be presented at the Satellite in the form of pre-recorded five-minute talks. Posters' presenters will have the option to also submit an actual poster which will then be posted on the Satellite's website.

If you are interested in presenting at NetSciEd 2021, please submit a brief abstract to Evelyn Panagakou (

Your abstract should:

* Include the title of your presentation, the list of authors and their affiliations, and the contact information (e-mail address) of the corresponding author.

* Include a summary of your presentation (up to 300 words).

* Be formatted as a single PDF file (maximum 2 pages including figures/tables, if any).

Please indicate your preferred style of presentation (oral or poster) in your e-mail.


Topics to be discussed at the Satellite include but are not limited to:





The Power of Awkwardness by Juniper Lovato (University of Vermont, USA)

In this talk, we will discuss unconventional generative processes and social reinforcement methods that my team has used to create meaningful learning experiences during research-focused schools, workshops, working groups, and short courses. We will explore how these lessons were adapted to online formats during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will explore ways to support and encourage creative trans-disciplinary research collaborations, build strong institutional partnerships, and create an impactful and supportive experience for participants. We will go through several examples of partnerships and programs that were successful or unsuccessful and discuss what elements heightened or hindered their efficacy. The goal of this talk is to challenge future organizers to build a strong network of partnerships, to think beyond the customary program format, and to create human-focused research processes.

My Experience Writing Papers for Frontiers for Young Minds by Mason A. Porter (UCLA, USA)

I'll discuss my experiences in writing articles about networks and mathematics for the journal Frontiers for Young Minds, which has an

audience of teens and preteens. I'll talk about some key considerations and challenges, and I'll try to encourage others to contribute such

articles to venues like FRYM.