3 June 2014

Technical University of Copenhagen (DTU)

2:00   Welcome

Topic I: Network Science in Teaching

2:15   NetSciHigh video

2:30   Gene Stanley, NetSciHigh: An Infrastructure for Advancing Science Education

2:45   Lucas Jeub, Teach Network Science to Teenagers

3:00   Daniel Abel, Hands-On Network Science with Python Scripting and the Socratic Method

3:15   Toshihiro Tanizawa, Introducing Network Science to Students in a National College of Technology in Japan for Graduation Research Projects

3:30   Erzsebet Regan, How To Build Your Very Own Landscape?

3:45   Coffee Break (and NetSci High posters)

Topic II: Education Networks

4:00   Laszlo Barabasi, The Network Science Book Project: translation and next chapters

4:15   Alan Daly, Between You and Me: The Role of Formal and Informal Brokers in the Diffusion of Research Evidence in an Urban School District

4:30   Isabelle Meirelles, The Role of Diagramming in the Design Process of Visualization

4:45   Robin Wilkins, Network Science, Music and the Brain: Community Structure Shows Potential for Music to Affect Learning and Memory

5:00   Max Schich, Nurturing Radical Multidisciplinarity to Understand the Ecology of Complex Networks

5:15   Naoki Masuda, Suicide Ideation in Online Social Networks

5:30   Roundtable: The future of Network Science In Education

6:30   Wrap-up and thanks